name:'Md Nasim Hosen',
company:'Next Level Media',
location:'Pabna, Bangladesh',
skills:['ReactJs', 'NextJs', 'Redux', 'ExpressJs', 'MongoDB', 'Postgres', 'Mongoose', 'Prisma', 'Docker', 'AWS', 'Redis'],


Bachelor Degree

2021 - Present

Shahid Bulbul Government College, Pabna

At Shahid Bulbul Government College, Pabna, I am pursuing a Bachelors degree in Political Science, immersing myself in a comprehensive academic program that nurtures critical thinking and civic engagement. This institution equips me with the knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to society.

Inter Mediate Degree

2019 - 2021

Hazi Jasim Uddin Degree(Hons) College, Pabna

At Hazi Jasim Uddin Degree College, Pabna, I thrived in an enriching academic atmosphere, supported by dedicated faculty and diverse opportunities.

High School Degree

2016 - 2019

Dublia High School, Pabna

Dublia High School provided a dynamic learning environment where I cultivated my academic skills and personal growth. Its rigorous curriculum and supportive community.


Shothik AI - Dhaka, Bangladesh

2024 - Present

Senior Backend Developer(Part-time) - Remote

At Shothik AI, I work as a Senior Backend Developer, specializing in Node.js and Express.js. I develop scalable backend systems, ensuring high performance and reliability. My role also involves collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver innovative solutions.

Next Level Media - Rajshahi, Bangladesh

2024 - Present

Full Stack Engineer(Full-time) - On-site

At Next Level Media, I work as a Full Stack Engineer, specializing in the MERN stack. I design and build scalable web applications, ensuring seamless integration between front-end and back-end systems. My role also involves collaborating with teams to deliver robust, user-centric solutions.

ultraDevs - Pabna, Bangladesh

2023 - 2024

Full Stack Developer(Full-time) - Hybrid

As a full stack developer at ultraDevs since 2023, I have contributed to diverse projects, leveraging my skills in both frontend and backend development. Collaborating with talented teams.

Self Learning

2020 - Present

Youtube and W3Schools

I acquired programming proficiency through self-study, leveraging instructional resources from YouTube and W3Schools to expand my skill set and pursue my passion for coding

Technical Skills

JavaScript is a programming language for creating interactive web pages. It enables dynamic content and responsive user interfaces.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. It helps developers catch errors early and improve code quality.

React JS

React.js is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces with component-based architecture.

Next JS

Next.js is a React framework for building server-side rendered and statically generated web applications with ease.

Node JS

Node.js is a runtime environment that allows server-side JavaScript execution.

Express JS

Express.js is a minimalistic and flexible web application framework for Node.js.


MongoDB is a scalable and flexible NoSQL database that stores data in JSON.


Mongoose is an elegant MongoDB object modeling library for Node.js, schema-based solutions for modeling data


Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, commonly used with libraries like React or Next.

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